Welcome to WRAMS - Writing Right Author Mentoring Service
Lori Marett and Cindy Sproles
Yvonne Lehman and Cindy Sproles banned together in 2016 to offer author mentoring. After the loss of Yvonne in May of 2021 the gauntlet is now passed to Lori Marett, Yvonne's daughter.
Lori and Cindy will walk you through your chapters offering a dual-suggestion method to help authors gain a greater understanding of their work.
“Our goal is to train up new writers with a new attitude, a love for the craft of writing, and at a price they can afford."
*It is a dual-suggestion method. Dual-suggestion simply means, when an author hires Lori and Cindy, they receive help from BOTH authors on each piece of work sent to them.When working with two mentors, the writer gains a unique skill set brought to the table from both authors. Writers not only gain suggested fixes, but receive brainstorming as well, helping them to see a more rounded look at their work.
Normally, writers receive only one mentor, but with WRAMS writers benefit from the skills of both Lori and Cindy.
As the old commercial says, "Two! Two! Two for the price of One!"
(We have humor as well! Added bonus)
When a writer receives guidance from a mentor, it can be extensive depending on the level of skill the writer has. Lori and Cindy choose to work a piece at a time. One chapter at a time. They can do more, but they’ve found, eating an elephant is easier a bite at a time. (I wish we’d made that line up ourselves!)
Rather than overwhelming a novice writer, we choose to work in bits, helping them not only gain corrections and suggestions, but also helping them learn the craft of writing as they go. By working in small bites, writers can receive the hands-on assistance, ask questions, and rewrite while things are fresh. Lori and Cindy can guide them meticulously through the process. We want you to learn in a relaxed and stress free environment.
Yes! Pay-as-you-go helps the writer’s budget. It’s easier to pay in small amounts as opposed to lobbing a lump sum at a writer.
We’re good with this because we want you to learn in a way that prevents you from worrying. Pay-as-You-Go allows us to pinpoint exactly what you need and focus on that. If you want to continue your mentoring, we will work out a monthly plan geared specifically to your needs. Payments vary according to the need, but we will never move ahead without your approval. Writers can work at an affordable rate and pace, instead of shelling out thousands of dollars at once. As silly as it seems – we’d love to think we work ourselves out of a job because you’ve learned and move ahead until you need us again. (See, our hearts are in the right place.)
We will do an introductory email and a free 30 minute Zoom to find out what the writer feels they need.
And, by the way, we help writers from every level – from new to very well seasoned. We have edited multi-published authors and we aim to help in the areas where writers seek assistance.
Just another reason, pay-as-you go works so well. We have zoom sessions available, which can be recorded and sent to you for you to refer back to, if you wish. We have the ability to look at only one chapter or full manuscripts or screenplays and we are willing to meet you where you are.
In other words, we work with all types of writing and if we can't help, we'll find someone who is well-versed in what you need and refer you.

To get started with your mentoring or coaching:
Email Cindy and Lori at wramsforwriters@gmail.com.
In your email include what services you are needing and we’ll get back to pronto.
(Our wrams email is new, and we aren’t trained to use it well yet. Should you not hear from us in 24 hours. Please reach out to cindyksproles@gmail.com.)
We thought you'd never ask!
Our Pricing:
*Initial consultation regarding writer’s needs for all new clients includes:
Email and 30 min consultation Zoom – FREE!
*Zoom call (1 hour & recorded at your request) - $85
(if you prefer the phone to chat) 45 minute phone conversation (with summarized email to follow - $99
*Chapter by chapter over all critique – $75
*Intensive three chapter breakdown and suggestions – $150
*NOVEL CONSULTATION/CRITIQUE (up to 80,000 words, over is $.02 per word)
*SCRIPT CONSULTATION/CRITIQUE (up to 120 pages, over is $10 per page - Lori only)
*Continuing Critiques for REWRITES of novels and scripts - $99 each
Note – pricing may vary according to the project and level intensity of the writer. This would be discussed in a free consultation. Our goal is to work at an affordable and efficient pace.
To Our Current Clients:
We were sad to announce the passing of Yvonne Lehman. Honestly, my heart is broken since Yvonne was a longtime friend, mentor, and business partner. Yvonne worked sixty-plus years in the writing industry and her work is stellar. It took some time to get my feet under me after the news of her passing on May 7, 2021. Yvonne was loved and respected in so many ways. Like any good momma she raised her children “right”, and they all come to the table with great love, humility, and gifts. Yvonne is special and with that, it did not seem right to end WRAMS.
After talking extensively with Lori Marett, Yvonne’s daughter, we agreed Writing Right should continue. Lori is a screenplay writer and novelist. Following in her mother’s shoes, Lori is an extremely amazing content editor and mentor. I am happy to announce that Writing Right will move forward as Yvonne would have expected and Lori will step up, joining me as a mentor, coach, and editor. It is my honor to work alongside Lori just as I did with Yvonne. We hope to keep her legacy moving by continuing to encourage, guide, and raise up solid writers.
– Cindy Sproles